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2024 Journals

Yongho Ko, I Wayan Adi Juliawan Pawana, Ilsun You, "Formal Security Reassessment of the 5G-AKA-FS Protocol: Methodological Corrections and Augmented Verification Techniques", Sensors, 24(24), Dec.2024

Yongho Ko, I Wayan Adi Juliawan Pawana, Taeho Won, Philip Virgil Astillo, Ilsun You, "Toward an Era of Secure 5G Convergence Applications: Formal Security Verification of 3GPP AKMA with TLS 1.3 PSK Option.", Applied Sciences 14(23) Nov.2024

Ilsun You, Jiyoon Kim, I Wayan Adi Juliawan Pawana, Yongho Ko, "Mitigating Security Vulnerabilities in 6G Networks: A Comprehensive Analysis of the DMRN Protocol Using SVO Logic and ProVerif", Applied Sciences, 14(21), Oct.2024

신대민, 유일선, 김지윤, "국내 금융권 클라우드 보안 위협 및 보안 요구사항에 관한 연구." 한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 논문지 20(4): 77-96 Aug.2024

Gunwoo Kim, Yongho Ko, Ilsun You, "Formal Verification of 5GAKA-LCCO Protocol Supporting Forward Secrecy: Through Expanded BAN Logic", International Conference on Mobile Internet Security. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

Hoseok Kwon, Youngsin Park, Jiyoon Kim, Ilsun You, "Implementation and Evaluation of Mutual Authentication Protocol for Artificial Pancreas System." Research Briefs on Information and Communication Technology Evolution 10: 30-35 Apr.2024

Prabal Verma, Aditya Gupta, Ramraj Dangi, Gaurav Choudhary, Nicola Dragoni, Ilsun You "FC-CACPHS: fog-cloud assisted context-aware framework for cyber-physical healthcare system." International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 45(3): 186-199 Mar. 2024

권호석, 고용호, 유일선 "독립형 5G 1차 인증을 위한 순방향 비밀성 지원 기술 동향." 한국통신학회지(정보와통신) 41(3): 18-26 Feb.2024

Sunil Kumar, Dilip Kumar, Ramraj Dangi, Gaurav Choudhary, Nicola Dragoni, Ilsun You, "A Review of Lightweight Security and Privacy for Resource-Constrained IoT Devices" Computers, Materials and Continua" Computers, Materials & Continua 2024. 78(1): 31-63 Jan.2024

Ilsun YouHwankuk KimPelin Angin, "Mobile Internet Security - 6th International Symposium, MobiSec 2022, Jeju, South Korea, December 15-17, 2022, Revised Selected Papers." Communications in Computer and Information Science 1644, Springer 2023, ISBN 978-981-99-4429-3 

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