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International Conference


I Wayan Adi Juliawan Pawana, Philip Virgil Astillo, Linawati, Ok Yeon Yi, Seog Chung Seo, Ilsun You, "A Time Series Approach to False Base Station Detection in Beyond 5G Networks Using LSTM", Proc. of the 8th Mobile Internet Security (Mobisec'24), Sapporo, Japan, Dec. 2024.

Youngjae Kim, I Wayan Adi Juliawan Pawana, Junyong Lee, Myeongcheol Kim, Bonam Kim, Ilsun You, "A Study on Signature-Based Web API Intrusion Detection Algorithm Using Regular Expressions", Proc. of the 8th Mobile Internet Security (Mobisec'24), Sapporo, Japan, Dec. 2024.

Daemin Shin, Jiyoon Kim, Ilsun You, "Zero Trust Approach to Enhance the Security of Microservices-Based DevSecOps", Proc. of the 8th Mobile Internet Security (Mobisec'24), Sapporo, Japan, Dec. 2024.

SeongHan Shin, YongHo Ko, Ilsun You, "Comprehensive Formal Verification of EAP-AKA’-FS Using ProVerif: Ensuring Robustness in Future Mobile Networks", Proc. of the 8th Mobile Internet Security (Mobisec'24), Sapporo, Japan, Dec. 2024.

Hoseok Kwon, Bonam Kim, Seogchung Seo, Okyeon Yi, Ilsun You, "Computational analysis of PQC migration in EAP based 5G primary authenticaton", Proc. of the 8th Mobile Internet Security (Mobisec'24), Sapporo, Japan, Dec. 2024.

Jieon Oh, Chaeyeon You, Bonam Kim, Seogchung Seo, Okyeon Yi, Ilsun You, "Formal Verification of TLS 1.3 PSK with ECDH: Analyzing Security through BAN Logic", Proc. of the 8th Mobile Internet Security (Mobisec'24), Sapporo, Japan, Dec. 2024.

Taeho Won, Bonam Kim, Seogchung Seo, Okyeon Yi, Ilsun You, "The Performance Improvement Analysis of HTTP/3 in 5G Service-Based Architecture", Proc. of the 8th Mobile Internet Security (Mobisec'24), Sapporo, Japan, Dec. 2024.

Changhyeon Woo, Bonam Kim, Seogchung Seo, Okyeon Yi, Ilsun You, "Formal Verification of EAP-AKA′ Protocol Using Proverif", Proc. of the 8th Mobile Internet Security (Mobisec'24), Sapporo, Japan, Dec. 2024.

Vincent Abella, Jhury Kevin Lastre, Wayan Adi Juliawan Pawana, Bonam Kim, SeogChung Seo, Okyeon Yi, Ilsun You, "Enhancing Security of Web API with Specification-based Intrusion Detection System", Proc. of the 8th Mobile Internet Security (Mobisec'24), Sapporo, Japan, Dec. 2024.

Hoseok Kwon, Yaechan Moon, Yongho Ko, Bonam Kim, Ilsun You, "Decentralized Real-Time IIoT Data Integrity Verification System and Its Comprehensive Analysis", Data Security and Privacy Protection 2024 (DSPP 2024), Oct.2024. 

H. Kwon, T. Won, B. Kim, and I. You, "The architectural difference of Consumer, IoT and M2M eSIM RSP security", Proc. of the 25th World Conference on Information Security Applications (WISA'24), Jeju Island, Korea, Aug. 2024.

I.W. Adi, Y. Kim, B. Kim, and I. You, "Modular Design Approach in API Security", Proc. of the 25th World Conference on Information Security Applications (WISA'24), Jeju Island, Korea, Aug. 2024.

C. Woo, J. Oh, Y. Ko, and I. You, "5G Private Networks: A Survey on Architecture, Threats, Security Requirements, and Research Challenges", Proc. of the 25th World Conference on Information Security Applications (WISA'24), Jeju Island, Korea, Aug. 2024.


J. Oh, I. You,"A Study on Security Protocol for establishing secure communication channels in 5G AKMA" Proc. of the 7th Mobile Internet Security (Mobisec'23), Okinawa, Japan, Dec. 2023.

D. Son, I. You,"Implementation of Real-time Network Function for False Base Station Detection in 5G Environments"

Proc. of the 7th Mobile Internet Security (Mobisec'23), Okinawa, Japan, Dec. 2023.


G. Kim, Y. Ko, and I. You, "Formal Verification of 5GAKA-LCCO protocol supporting Forward Secrecy: Based on enhanced BAN Logic" Proc. of the 7th Mobile Internet Security (Mobisec'23), Okinawa, Japan, Dec. 2023.


H. Kwon, Y. Moon, S. Son, B. Kim, and I. You,"Light weight data integrity verification with immutable merkle root on massive IIoT data" Proc. of the 7th Mobile Internet Security (Mobisec'23), Okinawa, Japan, Dec. 2023.


Y. Park, B.J. Kim, B. Kim, and I. You,"Using GAN for Measurement Report Generation to Overcome Limited Data for FBS Detection" Proc. of the 7th Mobile Internet Security (Mobisec'23), Okinawa, Japan, Dec. 2023.

T. Won, M. Eom, B. Kim, and I. You,"Analyzing Security Vulnerabilities in 5G-AKA′ Using ProVerif" Proc. of the 7th Mobile Internet Security (Mobisec'23), Okinawa, Japan, Dec. 2023.


H. Park, D. Son, G. Kim and I. You, "A study on machine learning-based false base staion detection method in 5G" Proc. of the 6th Mobile Internet Security (Mobisec'22), jeju island, Korea, Dec. 2022.


D.G. Duguma, G. Kim, B. Kim, and I. You, "MUD for Infusion Pumps: An Attempt to Reduce Network-based Attacks" Proc. of the 23rd World Conference on Information Security Applications (WISA'22), Jeju Island, Korea, Aug. 2022.


K. Yun, P.V. Astillo, S. Lee, J. Kim, B. Kim, and I. You, "Behavior-Rule Specification-based IDS for Safety-Related Embedded Devices in Smart Home," Proc. of the World Automation Congress 2021 (WAC'21), Online Conference, Aug. 2021.


Y.E. Gebremariam, D.G. Duguma, H. Park, Y. Kim, B. Kim, and I. You, "5G and beyond telco cloud: architecture and cybersecurity challenges," Proc. of the World Automation Congress 2021 (WAC'21), Online Conference, Aug. 2021.



J. Heo, Y.E. Gebremariam, H. Park, B. Kim, and I. You, "Study on Hybrid Cloud-based Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing Model Requirements Analysis," Proc. of the 2020 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and its Emerging Applications (ICEA'20), Gangwon, Korea, Dec. 2020.


D.G. Duguma, J. Kim, B. Kim, and I. You, "A Formal Security Verification on He and Zeadally's Authentication Protocol for IMD Enabled Ambient Assisted Living System," Proc. of the 2020 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and its Emerging Applications (ICEA'20), Gangwon, Korea, Dec. 2020.


J. Kim, S. Lee, D.G. Duguma, B. Kim, and I. You, "Comments on "Securing implantable cardiac medical devices: Use of radio frequency energy harvesting"," Proc. of the 2020 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and its Emerging Applications (ICEA'20), Gangwon, Korea, Dec. 2020.


J. Kim, P.V. Astillo, H. Park, V. Sharma, and I. You, "Study on Handover Security Protocol for 5G Wireless Backhaul Environment," Proc. of the 15th International Workshop on Security (IWSEC'20), Online Conference, Sept. 2020.

P.V. Astillo, G. Choudhary, J. Kim, H. Park, I. You and I.-R. Chen, "Poster: Ensuring Safety of Medical Cyber Physical Systems Through Misbehavior Detection Integrated Medical Embedded IoT Devices - A Case Study of Patient-Controlled Analgesia Device," Proc. of the 21st World Conference on Information Security Applications (WISA'20), Jeju Island, Korea, Aug. 2020.



D. Shin, K. Yun, H. Park,  J. Kim, and I. You, "Study on secure protocol for route optimization in DMM based smart home networks," Proc. of the 14th International Workshop on Security (IWSEC'19), Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 2019.


Vishal Sharma, Ilsun You, Gokhan Kul, "Socializing Drones for Inter-Service Operability in Ultra-Dense Wireless Networks using Blockchain," Proc. of the 9th ACM CCS International Workshop on Managing Insider Security Threats (ACM MIST 2017), October 30 - 30, 2017, Dallas, Texas, USA.

V. Sharma, J. Kim, S. Kwon, I. You, and F.-Y. Leu, "An Overview of 802.21a-2012 and Its Incorporation into IoT-Fog Networks Using Osmotic Framework," Proc. of the 3rd EAI International Conference on IoT as a Service (IoTaaS'17), Taichung, Taiwan, Sept. 2017.


V. Sharma, J. Kim, S. Kwon, I. You, and H.-C. Chen, "Fuzzy-Based Protocol for Secure Remote Diagnosis of IoT Devices in 5G Networks," Proc. of the 3rd EAI International Conference on IoT as a Service (IoTaaS'17), Taichung, Taiwan, Sept. 2017.

Vishal Sharma, Jiyoon Kim, Soonhyun Kwon, Ilsun You, Fang-Yie Leu, "An overview of 802.21a-2012 and its incorporation into IoT-Fog networks using osmotic framework," Proc. of the 2017 International Conference on Internet of Things as a Service (IoTaas-2017), September 20-22, 2017, Taichung, Taiwan (Best Paper Award).

Vishal Sharma, Jiyoon Kim, Soonhyun Kwon, Ilsun You, Hsing-Chung Chen, "Fuzzy-based protocol for secure remote diagnosis of IoT devices in 5G networks," Proc. of the 2017 International Conference on Internet of Things as a Service (IoTaas-2017), September 20-22, 2017, Taichung, Taiwan.

Mobisec.Lab, 303, College of Science, 77, Jeongneung-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea [02707]


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